In our school children start to learn to write following the Read, Write, Inc Get Writing programme. Once they have completed the Read, Write, Inc programme teachers plan and deliver writing using The Write Stuff approach designed by Jane Considine. Children learn how to write for a variety of purposes and audiences and in a range of styles. The same high expectations of writing outcomes are applied to writing across the curriculum.
The children are taught both Transcription and Composition including a focus on spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Teaching strategies include analysing texts to identify successful writing in different genres, editing and improving first drafts, applying discreetly taught grammar to create impact for the reader. Marking and feedback reflects the high expectation on spelling and punctuation. Children are taught to apply the spellings and punctuation they have been learning to all their written work.
Children are taught spelling through the Read, Write, Inc Early Literacy programme. From Y2 onwards children are taught spelling rules through the Write Stuff programme and accompanying Spelling Book.
It is important that children are taught how to hold a pencil correctly and use it to form letters and digits correctly during the Early Years. This teaching is supported through the Read, Write, Inc programme. Children are introduced to joined writing and taught how to join letters once they have mastered correct letter formation. This is usually in Year 1 and it supports children learning to produce a legible, fluent and fast hand.
Handwriting Policy Nov 22 FINAL
Practising letter formation in EYFS