School Uniform

The Bampton school logo was designed by the children and features on the school uniform sweatshirt, cardigan, polo shirt and PE t-shirt.  The uniform can be purchased online at or by visiting the outlet in Faringdon. Alternatively you can order online from Tesco.

For reasons of safety, the policy regarding jewellery is that only stud earrings are permitted. All jewellery including earrings must be removed or covered with plasters for PE, including swimming. Therefore the best time for children to have their ears pierced is during the summer holidays.

Watches can be worn if they are practical and only used for telling the time. No other jewellery should be worn.

Nail varnish should not be worn to school and transfers or removable tattoos should not be visible.

All long hair must be tied up and hair accessories should be practical and in school colours.

Whilst we make every effort to minimise the cost of school uniform items to ensure parents get good value for money, we acknowledge that buying school uniform can become costly. Therefore we allow the flexibility for parents to purchase uniform items in the school colours but without the school logo.  Our school uniform consists of:

  • navy sweatshirt or cardigan (optional with school logo)
  • red polo shirt (optional with school logo)
  • black trousers, shorts or skirt
  • Summer red checked gingham dress
  • sensible black shoes – suitable for running around the playground and offering support for feet and ankles (no heels, sling backs or open toed sandals)
  • Sensible, flat, black boots are permitted during the winter months.
  • Black trainer-style shoes are acceptable but not trainers.
  • Shoes, and boots must be predominantly black and without excessive decoration or colour.


PE Kit

  • plain red t-shirt (optional with school logo)
  • plain black or navy blue shorts
  • plain black or navy blue jogging pants, leggings or shorts and spare sweatshirt for outdoor PE
  • dark (plain as possible) plimsoles or trainers (white soles permitted – no coloured logos)
  • Swimsuit (no bikinis), swimming hat and towel (see advice on use of goggles)
  • Gum Shield (KS2 hockey only)


Other Equipment

  • Large T-shirt, or apron, for messy activities
  • PE bag
  • Bookbag


Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly marked on each item of clothing so that lost items can be returned to the rightful owner.