Reading and Phonics
We aim to foster enjoyment in reading and a love of books across the school. We believe reading is one of the key life skills we will teach children during their time with us and attention is paid to the teaching of reading through different strategies including the importance of learning synthetic phonics. We follow the Read, Write Inc programme which is introduced in our nursery class to teach synthetic phonics in ability groups. Regular assessment and a focus on developing fluency in reading ensures that children make good progress. Children identified as not making expected progress are identified early and interventions put in place to support a rapid catch up.
The children are taught how to use the library and how to select books for borrowing. The benefit of spending time with children sharing books together is recognised and therefore each class shares a quality class text on a daily basis. Parents and Carers are encouraged to spend as much time as possible sharing books with their children. Children will bring home Read, Write, Inc “Book Bag Books” linked to their phonic learning and are also able to choose a book from a range of stage appropriate books from our banded book scheme. As children complete the Read, Write, Inc programme they will continue to read stage appropriate banded books until they complete the scheme. A wide choice of books is also available alongside the banded book scheme, in the classrooms and in the library, for children to take home. Regular reading at home is an expectation for all children and forms part of our Homework Policy and Home School Agreement.
“pupils learn to read very well.”
“Staff expertly and quickly put in place extra learning activities to help those pupils keep up.”
from Ofsted report January 2023
Supporting Reading for Pleasure
Sharing-Stories-with-5-8s-Parent-Information-Leaflet (1)
Read, Write, Inc Information for Parents & Carers
Listening to your child read parent meeting handout
Reading stories to your child parent meeting handout v2
Ideas for using questioning or follow up activities when reading with your child can be found here t2-e-4310-ks2-focused-reading-skills-question-word-mats-english_ver_2
Reading Comprehension skills are taught and practiced using a range of available online resources, Cracking Comprehension year group resources, guided reading sessions, class text sessions and individual reading time. Comprehension skills and understanding are continually being assessed by staff and more formal written tests administered regularly to support teacher assessments.