Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is an element of school funding aimed at narrowing the gap in attainment between certain disadvantaged groups of pupils and those who are more well off.

The funding is provided to schools, which decide how best to spend this according to local needs.

Our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement sets out details of our allocation and how it will be spent to directly impact on the barriers faced by eligible pupils.

Bampton CE Primary School Pupil premium strategy statement September 2024




Sport Funding

Developing an engaging and effective PE curriculum is important so we continue to fund training and development opportunities for our staff.

We continue to buy into the Burford PE Partnership to enable all our children to participate in PE festivals and tournaments throughout the year.

We fund extra curricular workshops and activities to enrich the PE provision.

We have been awarded the Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) platinum award and promote active playtimes.

All Key Stage Two children undertake at least 5 weeks swimming each year meaning most children can reach the expected outcomes for swimming at the end of Key Stage Two.

Details of how we intend to use our Sports Premium for the academic year 2024-25:Sports Premium-Template-2024-25Final
